Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ancestor Stones Part 1

The first 5 chapters of Ancestor Stones were very different from any of the other books we have read in class so far. They reminded me of the "Diary of...." books I used to read when I was younger. These books were set up as diary entries of young girls in the middle of important historical events, such as the trip across the ocean when Columbus made his discovery of America.

They were depicted in the first person just as these stories, except it was about them rather than their mothers and how the affected their lives. Before we discussed the family tree in the front of the book I had no idea how these girls were related. I figured they were all Africans writing about their experiences with their mother. On Tuesday when Dr.Webb showed us the family tree in the front of the book, everything sort of clicked and it helped me as I read the next few sections.

My favorite story would have to be Asana. She was the older twin born before her brother but had her birth right of being first born taken from her. She wasn't furious about the title being taken away but she definitely felt rejected because of it. When she was describing his or her upbringing I couldn't help but laugh because she was obviously maturing long before her brother but no one seemed to notice. She was walking before he could even crawl properly, which in my eyes shows us that she was the oldest. I wondered why the women and men around her mother didn't question who was the oldest. Nonetheless Asana took on the responsibility of being the older sibling and taking care of her brother. I could relate so well to this portion because I too am an older sister.

Yes taking care of younger sisters can be tedious and take away from your own childhood, but in the end it forms you into a more caring and responsible person. She said she was jealous at times of her brother, but when he died she didn't show any form of happiness that he was gone or distain towards him. I admired her instantly for this and she became my favorite character so far.
The next story that I wanted to cry about was that of Mariama. I don't have my book with me right now, but her story is more about her mother rather than that of her and her siblings. The way she describes her adoration and love for her mother is amazing. Her way of explanation isn't trying to portray love and affection she is just telling the reader how it is, which makes it all the more memorable.
Like all the other characters before her she stated how her mother was the most loved and cherished by her father. I'm not sure if this was so because she concentrated more on her and her mother's relationship rather than between her mother and father. When she describes their private time together this girl has nothing but love and adoration in her heart for her mom. When she looses her mother in the end that just about killed me. I could imagine her being torn away from that special relationship with her mother and made into a young woman without any questions being asked.
*The pictures are of my sisters and I and my mom and sister.

1 comment:

Allen Webb said...

I love the way you connect to the novel through your sisters!