Thursday, December 4, 2008

Positive Change in Africa

Despite the depressing past Africa has had and that we have learned about, there are many positive changes ahead for Africa. One of the most imporant changes I have researched is Education. The ability and availability of young African students to attend school is on the rise. More buildings and teachers are becoming available and costs and distances are cut way down. There are a ton of NGO's and other organizations around the world that are promoting education in Africa and here are a few I found worthy of noting:
This program has been implemeting and supporting community development programs in rural Kenya since 1998. They run community development, education and healthcare programs in these areas with volunteers and local Kenyans. Through their education program they have established a primary school that holds pre-school through fourth grade. The school has over 300 students and once again is run by local Kenyan's and volunteers. The school, Epico Jahns Academy, has made huge impacts on the community, and even provides the students with lunch.

Generation for Change and Growth's (GCG ) goal is to create opportunities for education for poor children and those in remote African areas through teachers, administrators and volunteers. They provide motivation and the opportunity for the acquisition of good education. This organization incorporates technology into the classrooms they influence. computers, overhead projectors and teaching aids are all used. They also provide scholarship programs to international colleges and universities for their students after completion of secondary education.

There are many many more that have positive influences in Africa, however, my final project (I think) will have more information and tidbits for you!

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